Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Nothing will happen, if you don't step forward and do it yourself."

Those words are gems!  Why?  Because, I wrote them.  If you haven't noticed, I like making up stupid, ridiculous, and nonsenseful sayings.  I bet nonsenseful isn't a word, hmmm, that just shows how wrong this dictionary is. (LOL)

Anyway, what I really have posted to say is.....................................................................................

N-othing is as bad as boredom
O-ver decades of tears, nothing outranks boredom.
W-here does it end?   Nowhere, nowhere.

W-hat do you do?  Nothing, because you are bored.
H-ow do you stop it?  Do something!
A-slong as you are tired, boredom has allies.
T-yrannical as it is, boredom lives on.
?-this symbol may come to your mind, boredom, is at work.

Notice the first word on each line.  It was my first one of those I did, and I just made it up, so it's really bad. :(

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